How much does the trip cost?
$3,000 in January, $3500 in June/July
This covers your airfare, in-country transportation, lodging, and most meals. At the end of the trip, we take the team for a short safari to see some of Africa's wildlife, and this is included in the cost. Keeping costs down is very challenging, and we work extremely hard to ensure that every dollar is wisely used. We also ensure that clean water is provided for the team in your room and everywhere we go.
Does that include all of the meals?
Most of your meals will be covered. Breakfast and dinner will be provided everyday. During our clinic days, our Kenyan team will provide us fruit and sodas, but we typically will eat snacks through lunch.
How long does the trip last?
The trip typically lasts 11-13 days depending on where we go.
When is the next trip?
We take a mission trip every January and sometimes during the summer in June or July. If you are considering joining us for a future trip, this will hopefully give you a date range to consider.
What is it like during a typical clinic day?
Busy and incredibly fun! We eat breakfast early around 7am and afterwards we have a team devotional. The clinic day usually starts about 9am and finishes around 3pm. Each day, we will see approximately 200-250 patients. The first clinic day is the slowest. When we arrive for the second clinic day, there is usually a line of ~50 patients already waiting for us. As word-of-mouth spreads in the community, we get busier and busier.
Is it safe?
Kenya is a developing country with one of the most stable governments in Africa. We take every precaution to ensure that our team is safe and secure. We always travel together as a team escorted by our Kenyan hosts. Keep in mind that we have worked with the Agape ministry for the past 20 years and have very close relationships with their leadership. They know the country and region much better than us, and we never go into a situation that has a possibility for danger. The JHM leadership and Agape leadership spend months praying about and seeking God's guidance. Every potential location for a new church and clinic is scouted and pre-planned months in advance. When we arrive in a new city, we host a banquet for all of the local and regional church and government leaders to ask for their blessing upon this work. Each year we find incredible favor with the local leadership. One year, the local police chief opened up his barracks for us to host our medical clinic. Another year, the regional Minister of Agriculture assisted us by leading our veterinarian team to treat camels in the bush (and in the process, He professed Christ as His Savior!).
Am I too young/old to go on this trip?
No. We've had children as young as 10 years old, and we've had adults 70+ years old join us.
I'm not a medical person. Can I still go?
While the focus of this trip is medical, there are many opportunities of ministry for anyone. You can assist in the clinic by handing out medications, directing patients to different stations, or teaching.
Do you go to the same place each year?
No. A different city and region are chosen each year.
What happens after we leave?
That's the good part. This mission trip is held in conjunction with a larger scope of ministry. The purpose of the medical clinic is to draw people to hear the Gospel. After the 4-5 days of clinic and crusades, a new church is planted and a new pastor is installed. The new pastor is charged with discipling this new group of believers after the mission trip end. Plus, the church is integrated into the larger church ministry of Agape, which will provide this new church and pastor with direction, oversight and support.