Jesus Harvesters Ministries is an evangelical, nondenominational, 501 (c) 3 tax-exempt nonprofit organization
We rely solely on the generosity of people like you who are called to fulfill the Great Commission around the world. We partner together with individuals, businesses, churches and other ministries who financially support the various Gospel-centered outreach and mercy ministries alongside our local church partner in east Africa. Your contributions enable the spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Whether in the Muslim ministry efforts in Garissa, the orphan ministry in Kimana, medical mission teams, widows ministries, or daily outreach through our churches, all of these minsitries are dependent on your donations and support.
Financial Transparency
To honor your donations and partnership, we have made our annual IRS Form 990 available for you to review. We have minimal administrative overhead costs. We have a volunteer board of directors and a team of dedicated individuals that give their time freely for the ministry. We have no full- or part-time employees. This enables us to focus our financial resources on the Church and the mission field.
IRS Form 990